Nor Cal Webcams
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Fire Station 33, Magalia - 2473 ft Magalia, California - 2550 ft Butte Canyon - West
Fire Station 33, Magalia - 2473 ft.
  Magalia - 2550 ft

Butte Canyon -  West
Stirling City 3570 ft. Hwy 70 & 89 (Greenville Wye) - 2856 ft Cohasset - 3100'
Stirling City - 3570 ft Greenville Wye - Hwy 70 & Hwy 89 - 2856 ft  Cohasset - 3100'
Sawmill Lookout1
Sawmill Lookout 2
Sawmill Lookout 1 - 3330' Sawmill Lookout 2 - 3330'

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